Saturday, February 24, 2007

Monteagle Planning Commision Meeting Report

The Monteagle Planning Commission held a meeting on Tuesday February 20th. An Association member attended the meeting and reported the following information concerning Cooley's Rift.
* The mayor said he and the city engineer were in contact with the New Life folks within the last week, however he said he could not elaborate on any of the discussions.
*The planning commission chair (Dean Lay) stated that he was told that New Life would not present a preliminary plat to the planning commission until discussions with SUD are finalized. They expect to present the plat at the March meeting. If that plat is reviewed by the staff (engineer representing the city) and meets his approval then conditional approval is granted to start construction on the golf course etc.
*There is a special called planning commission meeting March 6th at 6:00 pm. The regular meeting is scheduled for March 20th at 6:00 pm, however it is unclear if that regular meeting will happen with the earlier meeting scheduled.
*Four developments in Monteagle(which included a total of 153 lots (future homes?)) either received preliminary or final plat approval at this. Does anyone have further information on these developments?

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