Sunday, January 11, 2009

Corps of Engineers visits local Water Districts.

    Recently representatives of the Army Corps of Engineers visited four local water districts: Sewanee Utility District (SUD). Monteagle, Tracy City and Big Creek. The purpose of this visit was to collect preliminary data so the the Corps could submit a proposal to do an in depth study of water supply issues and remedies in these utility districts. TDEC (Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation) had requested that the Corps do this study. The essential question that will eventually have to be addressed will be: what is the best way to alleviate water shortages that have been experienced over the last several years.

     There seem to be two very different approaches to this. One is the much discussed pipe line from the Tennessee River. This is fraught with a myriad of fiscal, engineering, severe environmental and planning problems.  The other approach would be to enhance supplies that already exist on the plateau. In either case is the Corps study would only address engineering and initial cost. The larger question that South Cumberland Plateau residents need to ask is what will be the overall impact of increasing the water supply. This should include both the comprehensive economic impact and detailed land use planning.

    Information available at the time of this writing indicates that a preliminary report from the Corps will be available by the end of the month(January '09). SUD customers should check the agenda for the February meeting to see this report will be part of that meeting. Customer of the other utility districts should check with their utilities to see when the report will be available.

    More information on this will be posted on this blog as it becomes available.

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